OMGWTF! the 'dubbed' version of Naruto airs on Cartoon Networks 'Toonami'
this Saterday 9PM and.... the dubbed voices freaking sucks!!! *sobs* seriously
they (CN) have already paid some 6 digit number for each Naruto episode (they
only bought 50/150) but WHY couldn't they afford to get decent voice
veiw clip: omgomgomg~ it was just THAT terrible! i wanna CRY! i mean "NAH-ru-to don't
let Mio-zuki git the scroll" that was so~ exaggerated. -_- and NAH-ru-to sounds
like a whiny 5 year old! *stabs* (now all the ppl who watch that will literally
think Naruto is freaking gay.... it's not, but the 'American-ized' version aint
kick ass at ALL!)