Something of Substance

Mar 02, 2005 16:09

Know what I realized after reading a online friends blog? Very few people on my LJ friend list or hell LJ in general write anything of substance. My friend writes entries about subjects that cause his reader to think and actually take a stance and it makes visiting worthwhile. It's usually drab boring monotony on LJ. I often wonder why these people have journals. I mean I understand the premise of "Hey I may want to put my thoughts and emotions into words". I really do. But do you think that 90% of the people who read your journal care what you did today? I admit that I am guilty of writing pointless entries. Hell we all are. But there are people who have complete journals full of nothing. Literally. It's nothing but crap. Not even one mention that tells me one bit about what kind of person they are, what they believe in, their morals, political views, their past, nothing. It's boring.

I can think of maybe 3 people off the top of my head that write consistently interesting LJ entries. Ted, Margaret, and shit I forgot who else I was going to mention....oh...Devil. I don't know. I would just find LJ much more entertaining if people actually wrote something of substance. How they feel on a issue. ANY issue. Just pick one. Constant entries of "what I did today" or "boo hoo my life sucks" get boring and redundant. Your life has problems. Yes. We get it. It takes exactly ONE entry to summarize that. People that have whole journals full of nothing but rantings of how shitty their life is are nothing but myopic. You had a bad day? Man that sucks. But frankly, the people who read your entry don't care that much. They may comment, they may even say "I'm sorry". But it won't affect their one bit. Is it hard to write a entry that actually causes people to ya know, think? If you, random LJ reader, wrote one entry about a issue it would do this amazing thing. Provoke thought. And maybe, JUST MAYBE, it would provoke this crazy thing called discussion.

For instance, that entry on Dave Watson's entry that caused a debated on religion? Awesome stuff. That is a entry worth existing. "OMG WOE IS ME" causes nothing. It will remain in the readers brain for about 3 seconds, they may comment which would be about 4 seconds since they can't really and anything to such a worthless entry, the end. You have spent minutes writing a entry that someone thought about for exactly 7 seconds.

Alternatively,imagine you wrote a entry about a subject that means something to them. This would cause them to actually think about how they feel about the issue, maybe even inform you of how they feel about it. Whattaya know, you've learned something new about someone and can now discuss this with them.

But what do I know... is the blog I mentioned in case anyone is curious.
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