Christmas Eve 2005 The Night Before Christmas - Southeast Texas, 2005

Dec 12, 2005 22:26

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the town

Debris of all kind is stacked in a mound

Houses are beat up, trees are not there

The landscape is different and curiously bare.

Fences are gone and the dogs have got out

Insurance agents are nowhere about

Mold in its grandeur is lining the walls

Inside the cabinets and all through the halls.

Moms are exhausted and daddies are spent

They're paying their house notes and now paying rent

FEMA is long gone, the Red Cross has split

Searching for new towns disasters have hit.

The children are restless as they lay in their beds

Troubled thoughts filling their heads

Can Santa find them amid all the rubble

Or will he think it's just not worth the trouble.

Then out of the night comes the sound of small hoofs

Prancing and pawing atop the blue roofs

Though Santa's landmarks were not where they'd been

The shine of the trailers guided him in.

He managed somehow to deliver the toys

To all the deserving good girls and boys

And they heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight

"It takes more than Rita to mess up this night!"
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