so basically...i am crazy...bitch.

Sep 16, 2005 03:12

ur a FAKER....and i love you.

many things have been just going through my head lately.

mainly,people. and those 2 people, are lucky that i give them the time of day to beat myself up to thoughts about them. worrying. in every single way. they suck for doing this crazy thing to me. has been hectic. i thought since i never write blogs about my life i will tonite.

got into a huge confrontation with my mother.she went crazy.oh well.thats life whose mom doesnt go crazy? and i am finding out, everything you used to know doesnt matter any more. especially people. they erase themselves from your life, even before you get the chance to say goodbye.

you seen me slipping away? you shouldve know i would run, far and i would fray.

i cant explaine a couple of things in my head. only she♥ knows what i am really trying to say.

i am going to go back to school, not stockbridge. but jonesborro. so this transistion should be rather itneresting.i havent wrecked my car know 3rd times a charm.ha.funny.not.death cab for cutie is on the 29th.and i am so there.bitches.i got there new cd,plans,whoah. kicks ass.what am i doing right this second? wearing a hoodie and freezing my little ass off wishing u were here. but your not.please dont throw me away,or give up on me, i know this shit takes time and all,and i am crazy....

crazy is a word i been using alot lately.i am jobless.i want to move out.continplating my life...already? yes. my mom seems to ask me everyday...(like i know) "what are you going to do with yourself?"mom....i want to be a bum.ok.or a hooker.get over am not a working person. not the jobs i have had. i dont like to punch the clock, and be set in a time. i would rather babysit.and go on my own schdule you know?

wow. this is a big ass blog about the way i am feeling cassandra
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