hey, its been quite a while since i've updated this regularly, maybe i should start haha, more ppl have livejournals than they have deadjournals. but DJs are so much more fun, ehh. i guess i'll write stuff on here that i don't mind everybody reading, and more personal stuff on my DJ (but wtf, GO READ IT DAMMIT. haha) well i just got up a little bit ago, blah im a little tired but whatever. i had fun at the mall yesterday, i drove from my house to liz's house and then to amanda's house, so it was all good haha.. well.. im bored so i'm gonna go, call me this weekend, all of you, haha you know you want to.
Later Skater
http://deadjournal.com/users/xthe_last_kissx/ <-- go there dammit!!!!!!!!!!