(no subject)

Feb 26, 2004 22:16

fucking whore

yep thats my mom

yeah - no audition shes too lazy to fill out papers. She slams the door like a five year old child having a fit. Now she knows why I haven't spent the time riding anymore. she took all the fun out of it.

I finally got my Beatles record.. and if my record player would come anyday soon that would be nice too.

yeah I have a party in class tomorrow and I was supposed to bring in food and she didnt fucking want to. CUNT!

haha this weekend she invited me to see The Passion of The Christ and then go out to eat and the following day ride. I knew it wasn't going to happen. Not that I care, because after a while, of being let down that is, it dosen't affect you anymore.

I want to blow off selected peoples heads off. They're all in drama. hah. go figure that one. Me and the Ottomanelli click like what. hah, fuck you. :D

yesterday I got my ass kicked by a kid that weighed 100 punds more than me... I thin I'm going to be sore for a fucking week.

I have no idea what is wrong with me, but I like the dumbest people. Not that they're mentally dumb, but it's so random and no one would ever suspect. Yeah, and I do have a thing for ugly guys. yep, they're ugly. One way or the other.

The other one (the one that you guys do know of) isn't ugly... but this new one is. hah and his nose is the side of the tower of pizza. but I've also had this thing for guys with big noses. (It's an italian thing)

I looooooove soothing music.. makes me so happy and puts me in a peaceful mood. (which is rare)

I miss mike, been thinking about him alot... It's going back like it used to be. theres this freaking kid that looks like him in one of my classes, makes me want to scream. It's going back to June, which I'm really afraid of. I can't stay in control of myself too long, which could be a big problem.

Hope You Enjoyed The Recent Ramblings of Ash YoMothaTrukinFace

Good Night!
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