(no subject)

Oct 20, 2004 16:17

I finally got my big self some Mickey d's that I had so badly been wanting, while I was there I grabbed a job application as well whoopy. I'm watching Angel right now. I rememeber when I used to watch this show everyday non-stop now I hardly see it ever so-so nowadays. The dude that plays 'Conor' Vincent something or other, he's hot, lol.

Work today was fun lots of work, I had to carve a pumpkin for the class now I smell like one and got the orange guts on my pants. I'm shocked I didn't stab myself with the damn thing, cos usually I'm just prone to oops that wasn't supposed to happen OWE! type thangs, but nope none of that. Though the other day haha I did drop a bunch of papers in the hall it was like whoa embarrassing.

MEST show Sunday! I have been waiting it seems forever. I cannot fuck'en wait. I wanna see Hawthorne Heights badly though as well. If Kara don't go I don't think I'll be able to enjoy Hawthorne Heights all the same. I always enjoy MEST, but I need a fellow Hawthorne Heights fucknutt to hit the crowd with me.

Tomorrow is school. Oh boy! I mean girl, girl girl girl girl. Hah, sorry Eminem moment, moving on. But yeah I took another test which was in my best subject literature and I fuck'd it up so badly I wanted to scream out of 25 I only made 12! School is just NOT where my heads at. I don't know where it's at exactly. I could give a fuckless about any guys anywhere whatever about that, the band thing is up in the air I guess for time being it's not going anywhere though so that's no worries. I just don't know what is going on in this fuck'en stupid head of mine, the end.
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