Mar 03, 2012 19:04
hi Livejournal.
It's been forever.
I'm sitting here in a completely white-walled, empty, sterile room. I've been here for almost 3 hours. I have not worked on a single thing. I made some business cards-- I guess I did that. But I absolutely wasted today. Completely.
Well, I'm fucking miserable.
Oh now I'm completely misusing this room by fucking crying in it. Ridiculous. I hope the man who came in earlier to clean out the trash can doesn't come back. Or the idiots who wanted to steal a study room don't peer in again.
I've completely abandoned LJ, but I always consider it a safe, secret space. My used-up and cobwebby corner. No one reads my shit anymore and that's why I'm here right now-- because I feel like spilling some mad shit.
I fucking hate everyone. I just want to say that.
I fucking hate everyone.
I hate seeing through people and I hate all the traits that make them human.
I hate the endless parade of days that go on and on without any fucking answer.
I want to go home right now, but my stupid fucking roommate is there with all his goddamn noise and annoying habits and self-absorbedness.
I want to go home home right now, but that is an $800 plane flight away, and even there, I hate the society that surrounds my family.
I have SO much to get done and not a shred of motivation to do it. I feel like if I could talk to someone it would help, but seeing as I hate everyone-- well.
My back, right tire is low and I need to put air in it but I don't have any quarters.