Jul 23, 2004 15:54
Bullet Formation
- Test didn't drink the bile.
- I Love the 40's
- Moose puppet angle for Real World mockumentary
- That fool's been readin ma mail
- I..I didn't think it was that big of a deal...I, I was actually just looking for my own mail...
- Political Trailer
- Call the law! no...don't
- Did I say that outloud? Yes. I swear I don't have anyfin on me.
- Red White and Bi
- Commander in Chink
- Dead America
- To the 9 circles of hell
- To Pandamonium
- To Jobe
- Insanely incriminating pictures.
- To have a house and write a book.
- "I got the runs" and she shits out her uterus.
- John Rocker
- Fuck the Jews
- Ping pong with coffeemaker, chairs, weights, skip it, 20 bottles of water, and a pen.
- hundreds of matches and one cigarette
- inhaling sour cream
- "Don't Tread on Me" lighter R.I.P.
- Sweet n Low...flammable?