May 05, 2004 21:56
I will re-cap the days events. Went to school, am still failing science incase I haven't told you atleast five times. Lindsay gave me a WWJD bracelet in which I adore. Saw Brian, gave him his pokemon card and picture of frog-man. We went to a bunch of unnecessary places (I enjoyed it though). Witnessed a woman suffering insanity.. and laughed at her misfortune. I had a lot of fun.. it was really nice to see him again. Then I went to the church type thing and did nothing! Praise jesus! I sure do miss him, Brian.. that is.. I hope I don't sound odd.
Now I am contemplating a shower right now.. I wish I could raise one eyebrow. My mom signed a contract with the relators today. I fixed our answering machine. Listened to Brett's techno.. speaking of which, DRF and Kittens with Mittens this weekend! I'm there, you're there. the only people that matter will be there. Man you'll be buzzing for days. wait. whoa what?