Dec 28, 2004 00:23
feeling incredibly different right now. very content with my life at the moment.
no expectations. no obligations. no set-ups for dissapointments.
i can only hope and pray for the best to come my way.
anyway. i seriously had a great conversation over the phone right now with Shane's best friend, Aaron. haha. so awesome. but things are going good. he comes back tomorrow night from San Fran. and i get to see him on wednesday. lunch. then sushi thursday night with him. aww.. how cute.. no? hehe.
i wonder whats going on for New Years Eve. what is EVERYONE doing?!?! maybe a family thing is going on. and i think i have to work on New Years day. it's going to be so dead, cuz no one wants to buy anything. eek. oh well..
hmm.. i have to apply for school tomorrow morning. i should have applied on the 8th, but i forgot that i was scheduled that day. i hope i get the classes that i need and want. hmm.. and hopefully i'll do well.
work is cool. except only to find out that i've lost respect for a fellow employee. i hate it when that happens. oh well.. it'll soon come to an end.
gah.. i feel so light right now that i want to shout and express myself, but i just can't get myself to do so!.. i need to lie down.