Buddha, Hiro, and Death (monkeys not included)

Oct 08, 2007 20:15

        Authors note:  This took place before Death turned into a boy.  Probably earlier in the week, and, since I am never really paying attention and the rules of time and space do not apply to me - it shall be bendy time, whatever time, and all that Jazz!  That being said, this takes place after Hiro and Death have a breakfast dinner at The International House of Pancakes (we make it international).

Ankgor Wat, is one of those hidden Cambodian Buddhist temples that you think you might have seen in a movie, but you are never really sure if it's this temple, because, there are a lot of them - and you know what they say about Buddhist temples.  If you've seen one, you've seen them all (except, not quite.)

It was the tail end of the day, finally lowering the temperature in the Cambodian jungle to a manageable eighty-seven degrees, with a little breeze.  Death appeared with Hiro, in the middle of the long stone walk way in front of the temple without so much as a sound.  Death insisted she take care of this trip, since, he got the bill for breakfast.

"I like Buddhists, they are all so very nice - my mother followed Shinto though, I never felt very attached to it."  And now she served God and Satan, so in the end, it was all semantics anyway.

(More pictures of Cambodia and Ankgor Wat can be found at THIS website.)

exploring, hiro, cambodia, rp

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