(no subject)

Feb 26, 2007 00:19

1. Where's the closest hoodie to you right now?
my gangsta one wit little fruit people on it.

2. What restaurant do you think has the Best French Fries?

3. When's the last time you played the board game Clue?
oh I dont think I ever played it.

4. Name 2 or more sports you play/played?
soccer and softball

5. Would you get back together with any of your exes?

6. Who did you last get in an argument with?:
Danny probably.

7. Do you think you could live without your cell phone?:
probably not.

8. Where is your dad right now?:
Who the fuck knows..

10. How many people do you know of named Adam?:
2 maybe

11: How about Jessica's?
I am Jessica. Suck my dick.. but probably like 10 more.

12. Do you do your homework?
I dont have it.

13. Are you friends with any cheerleaders?:

15.What was the last thing you burnt?

17. Who was the last person you texted?

18. Who the last person you added on MySpace?
Action Squad, Clark's band.

19. What was the last picture you took?:
with Eddie and Veronica at work today. Thats what we do. hahaha.

20. If you could move anywhere, and take two people with you,
Where and who?
California, and probably my brother and Sean.

21. Number of texts a day?:
too many.

22. Is your computer slow right now?:

23. What's the best thing about your job?
Fucking everything. The people.

24. Have you seen your best friend naked?:
I dont believe so... not THAT naked.

25. Have you ever been in the hospital?:
Well matter a fact, I was born in a hospital.. soo.... yeah. And I was in it like a year and a half ago for a fever that kept getting worse.. and like once a week to deliver there?

27. Would you date someone that none of your friends liked?:
I have. And I dont live for anyone else but me.. but Id rather my friends like him.

28. Does your phone have to be charged every day?

30. If you woke up as the opposite gender, what's the 1st thing you would do?
make it dance.

31. Who did you last hug?
my bed.

32. Have you ever crawled through a window?
hahaha multiple.

33. Where is your mom?
Downstairs sleeping./

34. Morning or night person?
night all the way.

35. What was the last movie you watched?
Ever After <3

37. Any cool scars?

38. Things about the opposite sex you notice first?
Eye, and lips.

39. What is your curfew?
Dont have one... never really did.

40. Would you ever dye your hair red?
Have.. and when I mean red, I mean FIRE ENGINE red.

41. Last text says?

44. Do you want a well-paying job or a job you enjoy?

45. What did you wear today?
jeans, shirt. shoes.

46. When were you last on your phone?
like an hour ago.

47. What were the shoes you wore today?
you cant even consider them shoes.

48. Do you like math?

49. How about history?

51. Can you touch your nose with your tounge?

52. Do you like hugs?
very much.

53. Have you ever fallen asleep with gum in your mouth?

54. Would you date a person with hair longer than yours?

Is your display name from a song? nope
Do you have over 100 friends? yeah
Do you have pictures of yourself? yeah
Do you get 1-3 comments every day? maybe
Do you have a song? no

Do you have a wood floor or carpet? wood
Do you have clothes on the floor? for once in my life, no
Do you have a hidden stash of candy somewhere? I wish
Do you have your own TV? yeah
Do you have a bunch of pictures of bands and celebrities? like 5.

Is your hair up? its actually in the process of being dyed.
Is your phone right beside you? yeah
Are you wearing makeup? yeah
Are you wearing chapstick? YEAH!
Who's the last person you IMed? Traveeeeee

Recently done anything you regret? never do
Ever lied? sometimes
Ever trip over your own feet? hahahahaha
Ever thrown up because you cried so hard? no, but I did throw up cause of how angry I was.

Had any plans last week? yeah
Had you cursed? Yeah
Had you yelled at someone? I always do.
Had you cried? Nope.
Had you called more than 3 people? too many
Had you IMed more than 3 people? probably

1. fell in love? August 2004
2. Lost someone close to you? probably
3. got drunk? 2003
4. smoked weed? 2004
5. Got kissed? 8th grade
6. Went to the hospital for surgery? never
7. Got your heart broken? 2004
8. Lost a pet? 7th grade?
9. Got arrested? never
10. Smoked a Cigarette? 2004
11. Broken a bone? noppeeee
12. Got a job? haha august 2006
13. Got cheated on? lets not talk about it.
14. drove a car? 2004.
15. Went to a concert? haha 7th grade
16. Got your own cell phone? Dont remember
17. Had 1st real boy/girlfriend? august 4, 2004.
18. Got a myspace account? too long ago.
19. Snuck out of the house? haha awww... 8th grade.
20. Pierced other than your ears? 9th grade,
21. Got caught having sex? have I?
22. skinny dipped? 8th grade
23. Snuck someone in your house? hmm
24. How old are you now? 19
25.Lost your Virginity? 16
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