Jan 08, 2007 03:18
I saw my cousin today. That made my entire day 110% better than I thought it could ever possibly be. Its been 9 years. And he once meant the world to me. But we were so young. It doesnt matter now, cause we're old enough to see each other on our own. Just cause our families were ripped apart doesnt mean shit anymore.
And to top off my day, I finally am with the person I want to be with. I have a boyfriend. And he really does mean a lot to me. It took long enough. He always started everthing for me.
But this one time, he wasnt the cause of anything. I didnt even think Id ever talk to him again.... But some how we managed to do it right this time. I hope it lasts. Cause hes everything I want. And I dont care what any other person says, BECAUSE SEAN APPROVES! hahaha.
I really think that my life is a roller coaster. But as of now, it just keeps going up.
I have my friends again.
The ones that matter at least.
You all know who you are, so there is no need to say names.
Reasons unknown.
I have a family finally. My brother, my sister, my mom and Parrish(mama's boyfriend). I was a little skeptic at first, but Ive grown to absolutely love him. Hes the dad I never had. And I've had 2 other dads(real dad, step dad). But Parrish, he cares a lot. He is concerned when Im not home late at night. He talks to me. And he listens. To think... my mom would ever find someone so wonderful. Props to her. And Congrates to her... I love seeing her happy. I smile.
So life is coming together. I wont let it fall apart.
So there is the update on my life...
To be continued......