If that's health with Poindexter you will enjoy it, and I'm not saying that because he's cute, he opens the lesson to discussion which is pretty cool. Sad to see you're changing Anatomy, I loved that class, but I like that type of science too. I wish I could have had a schedule like yours my senior year.
I had signed up for Sci Oly Ind Study but I didn't get it and Anatomy was my 2nd choice so I think I am going to move Art 3 to 5th hour and Sci Oly to 2nd hour and then I think I will be set. I like that kind of science too I just want more free classes, especially art and english. What was your schedule Sr year?
Yeah, it doesn't look that bad. It's a few of your sr year classes were boring. I wanted to take Psychology because I thought it'd be interesting but I've heard that it's pretty boring. Mr. Poindexter is actually doing Psychology 1 I guess so that might be interesting if he is pretty open, but Mr. Juritich (sp?) seems like he'd be boring.
I was just going to tell Manda that she should stay with Anatomy because that was my favorite class, mainly because of Mr. Abbott who was teaching it. (Well besides Library aid...I loved 6th hour...and I'm going to miss it this year...lol)
2nd: Anatomy/Modern Lit
3rd: Stats
4th: Psychology/Anatomy
5th: Symphonic band
6th: Health/Library Aide
Might not look bad, but second semester I had two straight hours of Shaffer and Stats and Psychology were just plain boring subjects.
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