Bored....*Survey Thing*

Feb 29, 2004 14:07

1. What size is your bed? *Twin
2. What do you wear to bed? *tank top and sweatpants
3. How many people regularly sleep in your bed? *just me
4. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? ehh, *sometimes
5. If you could wake up next to any famous person who would it be? *Justin Timberlake<33
6. What would have happened the night before? *hehehe
7. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? *one
8. Who is the next person you would like to have in your bed with you? *no comment
9. What position do you go to sleep in? *on my stomach
10. What position do you wake up in? *weird ones 11. Have you ever woken up in a really weird pposition? *yeah, once i was flipped over to the the other side of my bed
12. How many blankets/covers do you have on your bed? *two
13. Do you hog the blankets? *yup
14. Have you ever found your pillows on the other side of the room? *once
15. When was the last time you fell out of bed? *i usually fall out when im having a dream when im falling
16. Do you have any strange bed habits such as sleep talking etc.? *nope
17. Do you snore? *nope
18. Hows about drooling? *once and a while
19. How many pillows do you have on your bed? 2
20. Do you tend to sleep with a fan? *only if its rly hot

The usual...
Name: Karen
Birthdate: August 5th, 1989
Location: Floral Park
Sex: Female
Height: 5’1 *yes im short :-( *
Current Bands/Artists: *i listen to everything, but i <3 J.Tim, and X*Tina
Clothing: *w/e i like
Accessories: *jewelry, headband..idk

This or that...
Nice smiles or nice eyes? *i <3 both
Jeans or skirts? *skirts
Boots or sneakers? *sneakers
Natural or make-up? *depends
Restaurants or fast food? *Restaurants.
Italian food or Chinese? *Chinese
Dark or light eyes? light
Streaked or dyed hair? *depends
Vampires or Gods? *WTF?¿?
Shakespeare or Greek mythology? *both
Milk shakes or floats? *milk shakesss
Drugs or cigarettes? *depends
Football or cheerleading? *football
Cake or pie? *cake

Do you want to die? *sleeping
Much time do you take to dress up? *like 15 mins
Do you like your life? *ehhh sometimes
How well do most people know you? *a few know me pretty well
Common or original is this survey? *commmon
Often do you smile? *most of the time
Many times a week do you eat junk food? *ALL THE TIME, just look at me...

Do you...
Sing? *yes, but not in front of ppl
Dance? *yep
Laugh a lot? *common, its always laughing at something
Like spicy food? *yup
Prefer bagels over yogurt? *bagels
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? *nope
Want one? *yeahh
Think babies are cute? *yup
Children in general? *ehh theres some i like
Believe in fortune cookies? *yes
Believe in life after love? *yes
Believe that anything is possible? *yes
Believe that everyone has a purpose in life? *yea
Know what your's is? *nope

You a girl? *Yes
You a comedian? *idk, i make my friends laugh...
Your friends true friends in your opinion? *hmm, yeah
You bored? *yeah..thats y im doing this

Your heritage *Scottish, English, Irish
You usual outfit: *w/e i want
Your perfect day: *a day at the beach w/ all my friends
Your hair :: *Blonde
Your eyes :: *blue
What you'd like to change about yourself: My stomach, and they way i look..ughh everything
Your perfect mate (physical features): *brownish/greenish eyes, blonde/brown hair a bit taller than me, funny w/ nice eyes and a nice smile
Are your weaknesses?: *idk
Are your fears?: *ahhh spiders
Does your perfect pizza consist of? :: *mmm cheesey pepperoni
Is the difference between fate and destiny?: *idk
Is one thing you would like to achieve?: *going to college, and just basically succeed in life

Do you love the most? :: *my parents and marie
Would you like to meet that you know online? :: *i kno everyone i talk to online
Is the one person who makes you laugh the most? *Christine
Makes you cry the most? *no comment
Really annoys you? : *no comment
Who could you not live without? :: *Marie
Doesn't like you though you like him/her? :: *idk?
Likes you though you hate him/her? :: *i dont hate ne one

Hate too much of a strong word? :: *ehh, depends
Food from other cultures good? :: *definetly
Your mood calm at the moment? :: *yep,im happy
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