Title: Shadows
Rating: G
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Characters: Riza Hawkeye; Roy Mustang; Pride; hints of Royai
Prompt: Confidant
Spoilers: In relation to the middle of the anime/manga
Warnings: None
Author's Note: Day 07 of 25. Ignore typos, I haven't edited it yet.
Tap, tap.
Casual conversation to any surrounding them. Just a colonel and his ever-loyal lieutenant attempting to ressurect cold memories that distance had given them in place of contact and shared smiles. But inside pointless names and average story-telling, a dam of secrets toppled forth and stripped down to their naked skins and danced from one keen mind to another.
And that very topic of conversation did its best to decipher their perfected code, swirling and pricking at her steel-toed boots and pristine pants, slipping up her rigid skeleton to grace over her shoulders and play at her neck. The unseen aggressor was warning her, testing her. One false move (it slipped over the column of her throat and disappeared back side her clothes, scurrying back to the depths from which it had sprung forth) and it'd be over --for both of them. Demons such as Pride didn't need a reason to attack, luckily, he was waiting, giving her a spot of mercy when the other members of his immortal clan would not.
Still, she kept her voice flat, eyes glued to the dirtied room window, and finished her conversation.
Roy had missed the silent display of dominance from the formless intruder. But still, there had been something in that stern voice of hers that had given way. And even if he had only imagined it, he could feel her aura. He could always feel Riza. Like air. Even if he couldn't quite see the nutrients his lungs greedily devoured, he knew it was there. The same as her. His constant. His air.
"How are you?" He asked after his notes had been taken and his tea licked dry.
She looked at him, getting to her feet (which felt sticky and tingly, like somehow the demon had left a part of himself with her), "I need to go."
Roy's onyx eyes held her own forest-brown, that flirtatious smirk on his face. Unnerving to most, home for her. I know. It'll be okay. I won't let anything happen to you, Riza.
Leaving the table, she murmured lightly, "You really do have the worst timing, Roy."
The warm chuckle that followed told her that he had heard.