My Chemical Romance, April 14th, The Chance.
We're going! :-D
Holy she-ite muslim (hahaha i got that from Carson from QE)
We still have to buy tickets but I'm gonna get them next week.
Watch them sell out on me like they always do lol.
I told my mom yesterday that she's calling me out of school and she was like...urr..ok.
So from this day on until the show..I'm gonna be SO good haha.
Since I have no job at the moment I'm gonna do stuff around the house to earn money for the show.
I'll also make my trips to the lovely coin star machine haha.
dsfgghsal yay :-D
sooooooooo happy.
Kris (
chaos_aint_me) is supposed to call me this weekend lol.
This is most likely going to be a drunken phone call.
Those are the BEST phone calls haha.
This will be the 2nd week I get one.
Last week Amanda called me and it was hilarious and I love her.
Wrestlemania is almost here.
I'm going with Lisa to her cousin's house to watch it.
Should be fun. Whoo.
Hmm....I dont think I have much more to talk about.
If anyone wants to donate money so Lyndsay's MCR fund then please, feel free to do so.