OKAI! so i'm late with this picture stuff...
So this one is from HALLOWEEN!my brother<3 was Batman & i was Mia from Pulp Fiction.
THANKSGIVING. thats my whole family+me. except for my father who is taking the picture.
My brother and i being bums <3.
Cristina's <3 sitting and Ashley's <3 being Ashley. I was so stoned, i dont even know how i took the picture.
Ashley <3.
-PIC 1&2 were at Jake's house on 12/10/04. Cristina <3 and I were both very much stoned that night.
This is Noreen <3 doing what she does 75% of life. Talking on her cell phone.
-This was the following weekend, when Noreen <3 and me did some kah-razzie shit.
Diane<3 and I.
Diane and I again <3.
Diane <3.
- We were bleaching our face that day :)
**And finally, a bunch of stupid pictures of myself:
** As of the present:
- i went to koo's friday and had ALOT of fun. Thanks friends.
-I woke up at 12.30pm. HA. then went x-mas shoping w/ my mother. I finished shopping for all my friends and more then half of my family. NUTS.