Mar 12, 2006 23:26
So uh yeah, I haven't updated in a few days.
Zack came, it was relatively fun...we fought a bit, which is what we usually do, but we also had good fun too. We went to the IMAX and saw a 3D flick, drank some, and chilled.
Yesterday was the best.
We went and saw BellHarmony (my friends' band) play in front of the cafe, and afterwards we hung out with them and a few marines they met after the show at Wasabis. Well Wasabi didn't card, so i was drinking sake like no other. There was 11 of us total, and we took up most of the hibachi grill. We drank, ate and carried of the marines was hardcore hitting on me, but he was effing hot so I didn't mind at all. Well that one marine ended up paying the WHOLE tab secretly. Like 400 dollars worth of alcohol and food...I'm like...shit. Supposedly it was nothing for him though...needless to say, i got his number, and gave him, not because he's rich, I was planning on doing it anyways...but that just kind of pushed me to do it. :D
damn. Drunk, full, confident, and haaappppyyyyy.
I still have a crush on someone else though. even though it's fading as time goes on, as what usually happens with me.
We'll see tomorrow night. Tomorrow night is the deciding factor whether my crush will last or not.
Anyways, life is busy, but pretty good.
Oh yeah, so Brian and I made up.
Makes life even better to know I now no longer have enemies (that I know of) and that I got a really great friend back. :)
No other complaints, over and out.