Nov 04, 2004 00:29
I don't have much to say about Bush's re-election, but a mere single applause.
I've been e'mailing my political friends how my heart fell and shattered in several pieces when my colleague ran to me and disclosed the breaking news @ 11am.
I have never felt so strongly about a presidential race before and coming to terms that my candidate lost, it's overwhelming. I need a couple more days, but I'm glad that I chilled with Sparkles tonight.
Relaxed and no pre-cursers for tension is how we like to run our evenings. During special events/weekends when we are not pre-occupied with S.O.'s, family, or close friends, dining at ambiant infused places is our forte. Along our friendship line, I've grown to love that we just care for the ambiance and how it compliments our dialogues and fascinating conversations. Much of the topics linger on other colleagues, ethical policies, research, medical break-throughs, bloopers, and one of my personal favorites-self understanding.
The two of us have such polar cultural differences, but vastly similar personalities as to how we approach people and present demeanor. Our usual laxed joint is the Educated Burgher and once entered, we claim space and rights to filling every corner with our stories and tales over chicken burgers!! yeah..yeah, the place is for hamburgers, but we're not fans of that product!! Usually, I hit thei chicken and he the vegetarian goods:o)
We swing over to K2? for hot chocolate and took a long walk among the brisk air after a good hour of catching up. It's always interesting how substantial our talks consist of and there is rarely a lull in sentences, unless we're deep in contemplation. This latter act creeped up during our walks. Since we both have similar interperonal skills, but different approaches, he mentioned that particular days, he doesn't want to communicate with anyone. He calls it a mid-twenties I slightly chuckle and shared that I feel the same way too. He thought he was going crazy and I mentioned I might be hitting border-line!! NO YOU"RE NOT he shouted, as we continued to tease out these hidden personal agendas.
The fascinating point as best friends I mentioned to him is that we network so effectively and efficiently that it's almost effortless. Second hand nature, if you will. I see him nod in agreement and motioned to continue on. The problem with me is, some days, I do not feel like speaking to anyone. Not even a simple "hi." I further told him, it takes too much of a toll on our effort, time, and energy. It becomes an obligation over a period. Granted we both love it when colleagues drop by sporadically to engage in conversations to our respective labs, but on certain days and he probably goes through with this on his end as well, that it gets truely overwhelming! One after the other, one paragraph after another. Through a particular day, it doesn't end. You begin to think about hiding as a resort. Don't get me wrong, I do love people, but as Sparkles understands, it's too overwhelming if concentrated in one area.