Aug 22, 2005 21:13
xxxbalderdashxxx: would you like to hear of my wonderful adventure
Joshuas069: sure
xxxbalderdashxxx: okay, well it all started here at my friend phill's house
xxxbalderdashxxx: we were sitting in the cubby hole which we like to call the smoke room, where we sat down and smoked out of the littlest green bong i have ever seen.
xxxbalderdashxxx: i was sitting next to my bestfriend kate
xxxbalderdashxxx: when i told her, out of the blue, that i wanted a fudge round which made her ok
xxxbalderdashxxx: (sorry take out ok)
xxxbalderdashxxx: which made her this of what she wanted to eat.
xxxbalderdashxxx: hahah
xxxbalderdashxxx: think*
xxxbalderdashxxx: we went through this entire thing about how i had no clue what funny bones were so she wrote me a list of things to get which also included a 20oz of hawaiian punch and anything else i wanted to get. then we just sat, just sat and pondered over what the next step in carrying out our plan would be
Joshuas069: in order to fidn out what your funny bone is?
xxxbalderdashxxx: no
xxxbalderdashxxx: the snack food item
Joshuas069: oh alright
Joshuas069: i guess i dont' knwo either
xxxbalderdashxxx: that's ok, i'll explain after
xxxbalderdashxxx: but we must continue, there is a point
xxxbalderdashxxx: ...
xxxbalderdashxxx: maybe
xxxbalderdashxxx: onward!...
xxxbalderdashxxx: once we realized that the next step to our plan would be to retrieve money from the walet of agent quincy O'neil
xxxbalderdashxxx: we began to pull out money but paused yet again to ponder another quiestion
xxxbalderdashxxx: how much money would we need to complete our quest?
Joshuas069: tee fity
xxxbalderdashxxx: first we thought, maybe five dollars would cover it.
xxxbalderdashxxx: then, maybe six
xxxbalderdashxxx: agent quincy O'neil then confided in agent xtccake to be careful with the 7 dollars agent O'neil entrusted in her care for her long adventure to the dragons lair, you may call it the store across the street if you wish
xxxbalderdashxxx: so, after building up much courage, agent _cake made her journey to the store across the street.
xxxbalderdashxxx: when she walked into the store she slowly made her way to the snack aisle
xxxbalderdashxxx: trying to avoid eye contact with any animate forgein objects.
xxxbalderdashxxx: first she decided to look for the funny bones because that would seem to take the longest (due to the fact that she had never seen or heard of them before)
xxxbalderdashxxx: but after a long but not so long searched she saw, them, all alone on the shelf, the last one. she grabbed it and then made her way to the fudge rounds, which she found easily and then the two 20oz's of hawaiian punch.
xxxbalderdashxxx: finally, almost an end to the journey, all she had to do now was... face the clerk (who may be was not suppose to be working at all that day). she sarted to feel nervous, if someone had seen her squinty chinese eyes, if they new what state of mind she was in. the man ahead of her moved to the side. "you can go ahead of me." he said
xxxbalderdashxxx: "are you sure?" she asked, eyeing him in a suspicious manner.
xxxbalderdashxxx: he nodded. "yeah... i'm not in any rush."
xxxbalderdashxxx: so agent _cake put her stuff on the couner and as the clerk started adding the prices together, the man had interrupted her very short attention span. "did that hurt, when you go it done?"
xxxbalderdashxxx: got*
xxxbalderdashxxx: at once, she knew what he was talking about. the only peircing visable on her face from the left side (her eyebrow piercing). she shook her head. "no." she said, trying to look back at the things she had just bought.
xxxbalderdashxxx: but he had made it much more difficult. "do people always ask you that?" she tried not to laugh, or give herself away, which ended up with a funny twisted look on her face. her eye's travled to his eyebrow which she saw a gold ring in his eyebrow (reminding her of one of agent quincy O'neil's eyebrow rings) but this wasn't the point. he had asked her a stupid question when he could answer it himself. she wondered now if she should ask whether his hurt or not. and decided against it. this was s'pose to be a quick journey and she had not time for bothering with stupid humanoids along the way
xxxbalderdashxxx: she gave the clerk a five dollar bill once she learned the price was much lower than thet had suspected and walked out of the store. once she got back she had to tell agent quincy O'neil about her odd but funn journey to the store across the street
xxxbalderdashxxx: she had to tell her friend all about the weird man that asked stupid question
xxxbalderdashxxx: the
xxxbalderdashxxx: end
Joshuas069: wow
xxxbalderdashxxx: i know
Joshuas069: that was long
xxxbalderdashxxx: i know
xxxbalderdashxxx: but what did you think?
Joshuas069: i'm not sure
Joshuas069: i think i woudl have prefered it in one chunk
Joshuas069: instead of a sentence every 2 minutes
Joshuas069: i have to work early so i am gonna go to bed
Joshuas069: night night
Joshuas069: i wanted to go to sleep earlear, but i wanted to hear the rest of your story
xxxbalderdashxxx: oh
xxxbalderdashxxx: i'm s ry
xxxbalderdashxxx: go to sleep
xxxbalderdashxxx: good night
Joshuas069: thank you hun, talk to you soon
xxxbalderdashxxx: ok bye