It's been awhile.

Jun 10, 2009 08:59

I haven't updated this thing in forever... Here's a ramble on my life before I have to get up and shower, if anyone cares.

Soooooo. Things that have happened... Somehow within the past few months I've burst from my depressing shell and all of the people who I (not purposely) stopped talking to out of self-hatred, are in my life again! It's crazy. There is so much good and love around me, and I want it to fill me to bursting.

I'm getting my third tattoo on my birthday in August, to continue tradition (my first two I got for my birthday, too). I think it's going to be my last one for a long time, because I'll have all the serious shit in my life remembered and covered. My personal mantra, a reminder of my love of life and for those who I love, and then finally that my anxiety can't cage me.

Since I've started up photography again this summer, I have never been happier. I love being busy, having ideas and people to shoot, the complete willingness of strangers. I love how much my parents support whatever it is I want to do. They're happy for me. I don't have a job, but I'm working hard. I bought myself a new computer (24" imac), and I want to buy a new lens at the end of the summer.

I'm going back to university as an "honours english literature major", whatever the fuck that means. I just like reading books. I think I'm going to major in psych, but I haven't quite decided yet. I'm not really going to school to get a job or get a career, I'm just going to learn some shit about some books I like, honestly. Can we all just be honest about school for a minute, if you're going there because your parents made you, because you want to get a good paying job, or even if you don't know why, you're probably not there for the right reasons and it will be the worst years of your life. This is why people hate school.

I personally love University. I love that I get to learn on my own. I love the library, how quiet it is, only the sound of keys or pages being turned, it's music. I love the SLC, the constant noise, the loud music, talking over others talking, the one person who is always passed out face first on a couch, asleep no matter what time of day it is.

My parents bought a condo in florida, so my mom and I are going up on the 18th to furnish it. I'm extremely excited. My mom got me to go in the forest behind our house and take pictures to bring along and hang.

I don't know what else there is... Sometimes I write some poems, but often times I just don't have the time or will to. I play some video games, I read some books. I see people a lot. What can I say, I'm happy! I probably won't be around much for the next few weeks. I leave for camping with Adam, my little sister and her boyfriend at the end of the month.

I hope everyone is doing well. Love you all and I still read, even though I'm not around. Here's two pictures of me lately. One looks like my tooth is loose, I love that. Play me off, keyboard cat.

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