Mar 26, 2008 22:10
Last night. shortly 7pm, I met up with some members of my school’s Georgian Christian Fellowship(GCF). Last night’s social event was Where’s Waldie? My first thought when I heard the game name is that it is short for Where’s Waldo? It involved us going around looking for a guy from school named John Waldie. He started it off by hiding somewhere, and we had to find him. Not around school, but the mall. Obviously we carpooled to the mall before we played the game. There was about 15-20 of us.
So there we were in front of Sport Check. When everyone arrived, Matt explained the rules, which included no change rooms and bathrooms. We found out John would be the person hiding during the first 2 rounds. Whoever found John the second round would get to hide in the next round. While we gave John some time to wander off, a security guard approached us to see what was going on. We’re innocent hehe.
I couldn’t find John W the first or second round. During the first round, I looked by myself. In the second round, I was joined by Chrissy and Kaylee. We couldn’t find John Waldie within the 20minute time limit. We all met up in the food court, where we discovered John W was found by another guy named John. Chrissy, Kaylee, and I remained a team in looking for our target during round 3. The last place we looked was HMV before we noticed time was up soon. As we were leaving HMV, we noticed John’s head popping out from inside a store named The Source. Turns out we were the first to find him. Our prize was Smarties J
The whole group met up, we left since the mall was closing. Some of us went home while others went to Tim Hortons for a social gethering. Christine drove me home along with John W, and Emily. I gave John W my Smarties since none of the girls said they wanted it.
Once I got home, I watched Girlicious before Mike called. I was surprised that this guy called me, because lately he’s been on a long streak of not calling me to say goodnight before bedtime. I’ve tried and tried calling him before bedtime but recently it doesn’t work because he keeps his phone off. Stupid if you ask me. This really is an issue that I feel needs to be addressed. I tried with him, but it doesn’t work.
I called him tonight several times, including an hour ago, and half an hour ago. No pick up. It’s soo frustrating that I can’t even say goodnight to my partner. This is not new to me. I’ve had to put up with this for a while.
He tells me his parents are around. Well if you’re not gunna talk to me on the phone before bed, at least come on msn or email!
Communication with Mike G sucks.