Apr 08, 2006 10:28
In the interest of energy effeciency me and John went out and purchased a new stove. Now, for some of you, this might not seem like a big deal. For the amount of cooking and entertaining we do, it was a wise choice. Even worse, I was actually excited it about it!! I must be getting old or something to be happy about appliance purchases??
When resources and time allow we'll replace the fridge upstairs and the freezer downstairs as well. That way the hydro bill won't be over the top.
** BTW....... I'm actually being sensible?! Yes, ME!!! How unusual?!**
Today is still a gorgeous day. Plenty of it left to do some work outside as well.
Last night we hooked up the surround sound system to the TV and watching a movie has increased ten fold in viewing pleasure. Now John can get the full home theatre feel. Which is good until a scary part of the movie comes up *g*
The workfront still remains unstable. That okay though because I'm still in the works and I'm sure something will work it's way through the crud. It's just a kick in the chops when things you want to be doing aren't available and the crappy jobs are plenty. All in good time, I guess! No real need to whine about it. It's tough all over and I don't need to preach to the choir.
Creative juices are at a low. But, with the better weather and kicking myself in the butt, it will spark something. Just not sure what yet?
Hoping all is well in the land of LJ. It's turbulent for some right now. But, for the most part, it's generally good for most. Keep up the good work!
stove / work / mood