(no subject)

Dec 13, 2006 02:18

Today was a pretty good day. I got most of my Christmas shopping done. The only person I didn't get for was for my brother and his girlfriend, but that is going to have to wait until after Christmas, because I don't get my next EI cheque till Boxing day, which will probably end up being on the 27th. So when I got home, I wrapped up all the presents and stuff. :) I love wrapping. haha, especially when you only use bags.

Tonight Rachel and I decided to play TriBond. That was interesting. Some of the questions really boggled our mind and made us feel dumb lol. Rachel won the first round and I won the second round.

Haha when I was talking to Mom tonight on the phone, she was telling me a really funny story. She works as a clerk at the RCMP (and no she doesn't know anything about me using drugs or anything lmao) and anyway one of the cops is looking for a place to rent in St. Stephen, so mom found an ad about a place for rent, and she decided to call for her. The lady on the other end of the phone was like "Who is this? What ad are you talking about? Why are you harassing me? I'm going to press charges!" Then after mom politely thanked her and hung up the phone about 10 minutes later, the district office called her from Oromocto, and said that a lady called wanting to press charges against my mother for harrasment. The lady at the district office was baffled and just laughed when mom told her what she was doing. The lady who wanted to press charges said that mom should have called when her husband was home, but of course there is nothing in the ad about calling at a specific time when the husband is home and asking for him. I guess also they have had complaints from this lady before and she is a TOTAL nutcase. Mom asked another cop how in the hell she was married. He just said "Oh, he's just drunk all the time, and we always end up picking him up for DUI. LOL, it was hilarious. So yea, Mom almost got charged for calling about a fucking apartment. It takes a lot of special people to make up this world I tell you.

Well I should get going, I need to run to the store to get smokes, so LEAVE SOME COMMENTS PEOPLE! Geeeez. I would appreciate it. :D

♥ Lisa
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