(no subject)

Jan 19, 2006 01:13

Today is officially my first day of driving. While I have driven before to work or to school it's never been me by myself and its always just a short distance.

While this may not seem like that big of a deal for those of you who already drive, think back, think way back to the way all of you felt when you got behind the wheel of the car and got to drive by yourselves:
That's exactly how I felt today.

I woke up this morning like at 7 am (after going to sleep at like 4 am. Im such an insomniac... lol) and Im getting ready to leave. I was ready to go w/ some flip flops on when my mother informs me that I will have the pleasure of being my father's chaffuer. But I get to the car and my brother's behind the wheel. I didnt care too much cause I was to sleepy to drive. Once we drop my brother off.. (He works at Alienware by Tamiami Airport) my dad turns around and tells me to drive. I drove to the gym ,3 different banks, to renew the insuarance on the car and add me to it, and to my job. Then after work my mom picked me up and told me that I would be driving to school by myself.

Now before I continue..
A while ago I had made a promise to Susan that she would be the first person I visit when I got my car. I called her and she didnt pick up. Kristi called me and told me to meet her outside of the Comp. Courtyard at school. Assuming it was important, when Susan called me back I told her I couldnt go. So I met up with her and we had a bit of small talk (useless, timewasting, awkward small talk)
So after I left Kristi I decided I still had enough time so I call Jason to gimmie directions to her house. Stopped by Publix to get my mom flowers first, but I found the house. I get there and what happens?? She doesnt answer the phone. And its way too late to knock. So I jsut left it at that.

So you see Susan, I did my part!

So Its getting late and I know my moms like having a heart attack cause Im taking so long so I decide to leave. Im by Palace when my little brother calls me to see where I am. Once I park the car and go upstairs I see this taped to the door:

Isnt that the CUTEST THING!?!?!?
(* Incase you dont see it, thats a car going the wrong way. My little brother drew it on paint.. Bear w/ him.. lol*)

Mind you it's my mother's birthday yet when I open the door they standing in the dark as if they were celebrating the fact I didnt crash.. lol

I have the cutest family.

On that note, Its been a good day but Ive got to wake up early and work out. (Hurray!)
Anyone interested in a 3 day pass to LAFitness lemme know!


P.S. If the ending to this post sounds a little weak to you, its cause it is. I wasnt planning to take this long to write this thing. I got tired so I hurried to finish it.
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