... and my first blog ges to ....

Oct 26, 2008 17:13

and so it hit me.

i'm deciding to start my 1st ever blog again. nostalgic. creeps me out, i'm not used to this "blog thing" anymore. it's been ages eversince i started my hiatus. i wasn't able to count the year/s though.

what's up with me lately? hmmm ... lemme see, hitotsu *sorry for my jap language!* haha i mean first and foremost, work ... i mean my hectic work life has been getting on my nerves. i'm planning to say "sayonara" but christmas is getting near and i think it's hard to get a stable job nowadays. bank work is really exhausting and i may say that some of my officemates, well, they kinda piss me off. backstabbing here and there ... boring! haha

second, i'm planning to study ... again! haha probably a masteral course on film or something. have'nt really decided yet so i guess i'm just having my "too-many-dreams-yet-they-merely-exist" kind of thing.

third, heard that TEGOSHI YUYA of NEWS is coming to manila. hmmm ... when?!?!?!?! haha


fourth, i'm planning to buy a point&shoot cam. been canvasing on prices and it seems that nikkon is more cheaper than canon. haha bansai!

guess that's it's for now.

ja mata ne!


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