ANNIVERSARY (of the beginning of the happiest period of my life (which will last forEVAR!))

Nov 12, 2008 01:38

This is a little early (pretty much exactly 24 hours), but I'm just so excited!

Have I ever mentioned how much I love my boyfriend? I've been stuck up here for far longer than I'd like (yeah, yeah only since October 27th), and I am going insane because I miss him SO MUCH. I will be going home on the 26th for Thanksgiving, but I haven't gone more than two weeks without seeing him since the massive break between May 15th and July day-after22nd (justforyou :) ). I think it's worse knowing that he's only an hour and forty minutes away, and that if I weren't needed for Mudfest I could have just gone home Friday, skipped my classes Monday, and come back tomorrow morning (technically this morning). And worse since the people here are SO EASY to get tired of! I'm a little sad that we won't be at home for most of Thanksgiving break, since we go to my aunt and uncle's, but at least he'll be with me! I'm pretty bored most of the time at these things, and this time I don't have to talk to him on the phone for like seven hours since he'll be there for me to talk to. :) AND HE'LL KEEP ME SANE.

Tomorrow at about 1:20 am it'll be one of our anniversaries, so to speak... which was basically like (in very simplified form because he's ... really eloquent (and basically way smarter than me)): "I like you." "I like you." "I'm coming to see you in the spring, [then I'll proceed to spoil you with goodies and affection and really good kisses and you don't even need legs or muscles because I can just carry you and you'll never step in a puddle when you're with me]." "Flippin' sweet!"

(Oct. 27th)

HAPPY one-year anniversaries are amazing.

I loooove youuuu.
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