Jan 22, 2005 23:10
Have you ever thought about ur future? how ur gonna look like? what gonna happen 2 u? Me and my friend Vanessa were talkin on da fone about it. We were so deep into the conversation that we started to cry. The fear of the Real World entered us and i get got us emotional. It realli hard picturing ur future and trying to think that ur future iz gonna b freat when it may be the opposite. SoMe tYmZ we feel that we NeVeR wanna grow up and just stay like this forever with our parents takin care of us 24/7. But like that eint gonna happen it scares us. But i guess God has an exact tym and date 4 us to go to heaven so we cant go against Godz will cuz he died in the cross 4 us to liberate us from our sins.Another thing........ love! Dont u feel that the one u most love is the one that hurts u most???///?? That realli suxs but unfortunately we have to deal w/ it. U never know when the guy of ur life has walked by you and u dont even pay attention. Sucky but.......true. I mean who wants to be alone? magine urself out there in the world with no1 that loves u.... dying alone...that suxs! just try to thin kabout the positive things.. have faith... and u'll always be protected! Well im out cuz this thing iz alreadii a bit too long. Buh byezz!
Love alwayz and 4ever,
Quote: *Love is like war, easy to start but hard to end*