From various promo images for Bones and The Vampire Diaries (if you're not watching the latter, you're really missing out. It turned out to be SO much more than expected. Also, it's full of painfully beautiful people. It's definitely not hard to look at.)
9 Bones icons
8 The Vampire Diaries icons + 2 headers (750 x 400)
So, the headers aren't by any means fancy, and I was a space cadet and didn't save the .psd for Love Sucks. I'm not entirely happy with it, but I'll be honest, I'm too lazy to start over and try to fix the things I'd like to. It's not bad, it's just not my favorite thing ever. 'Course, the other one isn't all that different anyway, so well... whatever. Shutting up now.
As always, everything is up for grabs. Comment and credit if taking (or comment even if not taking and you feel so inclined! ::grin::), please. I don't mind if you want to add your own text, though I'm happy to do it for you if you'd like. Just let me know what you want. Hope you like!
The Vampire Diaries images:
http://www.vampire-diaries.nettext for Love Sucks header from
logotypes101Bones images: