Sep 17, 2007 18:53
I can count the number of things that makes me feel just so lucky to be alive.
What irks me though is the fact that I can't, for the life of me, get myself to remember them when things come tumbling down and hitting you with shitloads of ironies that Alanis Morisette can't even sing about. My mother would always tell me that I'm lucky this and I'm lucky that but because of the eternal bitch that we call change, we can't help but rant and sulk about the things that just don't go the way we planned it. Hell, even things that we anticipated would hit you like a truck when you let your guard down.
Is counting my blessings really worth it?
What happened with do not count your eggs until they're hatched?
Which way to go then?
Too many questions, too little time. It's the little choices that I make that would matter most when I hit that fork in the road.
If I take my mother's advice thank all my lucky stars for bringing me up to this point, safe and sound, then maybe I wouldn't be so antsy and moody all the time. I'll just settle and thank God for all the things I've received thus far and not ask for anything more than what I deserve as a semi-wasted, non-practicing Catholic.
I can, of course, take the alternate route and put on the face that would make the Guiness Book of World Records as the thickest ever to be artificially made in history. I could always stop being the small timer, mediocrity queen and work harder for what I believe is the ultimate fruit of my so-called harships.
Which, by the way, leads me to another question. If I take route #2, when will I ever get satisfied? By doing this, I will just feed more fuel to the ferocious frenzy of my hungry desires and my big-ass ego. How can I define my happiness when ultimately, I would always just end up desiring more than what I already have.
They say great people would be willing to risk everything and reach for the stars.
I say, great people are those who are smart enough to realize that dreams do not grow on stars but from deep within their hearts.
Thank your lucky stars but thank God because he gave you enough common sense not to chase an illusion.