Apr 20, 2005 19:29
I don't understand the concept of weight. I've been thinking about it lately because I got an anonymous comment on my last entry saying that I was gaining "unnecessary weight and it wasn't flattering" from someone who claims to be a friend who "doesn't want to make me mad"
I weigh 93 pounds and am somehow not concerned about my weight. I'm not going to lie to you, I don't eat healthy and I should, but I'm still not going to become bulimic because someone told me I was fat, but I can't see why anyone would say that, not just to me, but to anyone.
I have a lot of friends who are very concerned with their weight, 2 in particular. These two girls have absolutely no grounds for their parinoia about becoming obese, but they still are constantly comparing their bodies to other peoples or magazine models and telling me that they wish they had my stomach. I'm not comfortable with my stomach for other reasons, but thats irrelevant. These girls are absolutely perfect just the way they are and two of the most beautiful people I've met in real life and I cannot see any reason why they should wish to be someone else or have a different body type.
In our society weight is such a big, but unnecessary issue. I've met a lot of girls who say they'd never date a fat person. Height is also, apparently, some sort of a
categorization of potential dating prospects. I've heard that people are "too tall" for me or that I'm "too short" for them because they could "crush" me. Physicality shouldn't be what matters. It should be a persons personality. At least thats what I base my relationships on, I don't know about you.
Any idiot should know that calling anyone fat, particularly an adolecent girl, is stupid. Many will automatically take it to heart, and even if they don't you're automatically an asshole for even thinking it. This continues on to adulthood. Is this a common courtesy issue? If you are asked for your opinion it is important to give it honestly but nicely at the same time. If you are not asked for your opinion, you should keep your fucking mouth shut, because no one asked for your advice or for your imput on their body.
THEIR body, not yours. Its trivial. Weight is just another way for our minds to logically categorize eachother and single people out. Its important
for health reasons, but keep those conversations at the doctor's, ladies and gentlemen.
And lastly, somethings telling me that you've had someone say something just ask hurtful to you, maybe not about your weight but about something else that you are self-concious about. At that time, you probably swore not to treat anyone else with that kind of disrespect.
Live up to your own expecation. And please, for the love of god, think before you speak.
I'm getting pretty sick of the eyes and whispers and the glares. Its ridiculous, and out of control. I hate it when people pretend to know me. Its obvious that you don't. Please, focus on your own problems and stop making my life your issue.
(two completely unrelated but necessary sections of an entry)
Thank you very much for telling me that I am overweight, because it gave me time to think and appreciate my own friends, my own body, myself and what I do and do not like about myself. and other people.
El. Fin.