Mar 10, 2005 21:17
TEN Random Things About Me
10. I really should be packing for China right now.
09. I'm sheepishly listening to Jewel.
08. I have two articles of jewerly that I wear to represent the same person.
07. I'm wearing my glasses, which I rarely wear out of the house. (not that I'm out of the house?)
06. I have crazy procrastination habits.
05. I really like people a lot. And no matter what I say, I love my friends and my boyfriend a lot.
04. I am in a VERY different mood than I was yesterday.
03. I crack my knuckles and my toes. Its gross. I know.
02. I dance and sing a lot in my bedroom. Loudly. And often.
01. I am completely dependent on my cell phone. Its sick. And sometimes when I'm listening to music, I think I hear it ringing and go crazy.
NINE Places I want to visit[and/or places I've visited]
09. California (visited)
08. Montana (visited)
07. Florida (visited)
06. Pennslyvania (visited)
05. Canada (visted)
04. Japan
03. France
02. Argentina
01. Washington D.C.
EIGHT Things I Want to Do Before I Die
08. Fall in love.
07. Perform something I'm truly proud of.
06. Jump off a cliff into the ocean.
05. Bungee jump.
04. Go on cruise.
03. Tell everyone how much I love them, with no regrets.
02. Spend a whole day entirely by myself.
01. Smack Bush.
SEVEN Ways to Win My Heart
07. Don't try too hard.
06. Stop caring about what other people think.
05. Don't hide your feelings.
04. Surprise me.
03. Act like you care, whether you do or don't.
02. Hold my hand.
01. Make it clear to me that I'm who you want to be with.
SIX Things I Believe In
06. Fate
05. Karma
04. Hope
03. Destiny
02. Friendship
01. Love
FIVE Things I'm Afraid Of
05. Feet.
04. Spiders.
03. Blood.
02. Dying alone.
01. Never having someone love me.
FOUR Of My Favorite Items In My Bedroom
04. Orange ceiling.
03. My picture collage, that is just recently being started.
02. My Alice Chair.
01. My freaking CARPET.
THREE Things I Do Everyday
03. Tell someone I love them and mean it.
02. Miss people.
01. Smile.
TWO Things I Am Trying Not to Do RIGHT NOW
02. Pack for China.
01. Piss anyone off.
ONE Person I Want to See Right Now
01. Ryan.
I feel much cooler now?
Now I have to pack.
::This is fact, not fiction, for the first time in years::