comment. you know you want to.

Aug 10, 2004 21:30

pretty good day, when shopping bought some new shoes. my dad brought me out to get earings for my nanas 50th party but he doesnt know i have  4g flesh tunnels and plugs, i wear my hair down alot so he cant see. i got out of it with out a fight by making him buy me black hoops. so ill just put them through my tunnels. god i hope he doesnt notice.

my sister flipped out on me again today. she called me fat cuz i dont fit in a size 3 like her i fit in a size 5. yeah. idk if she noticed this so i told her. a.) she deff. doesnt fit in a size 3 she stuffs her flab in them. and it just ends up making her look fatter cuz her hips are like flying out. and b.) im taller then her, and the main reason i cant wear a size 3 is cuz i cant pull them skinny pant legs past my calve muscels. anyone who knows me well enough to see my legs knows what im talking about. if not i can fit waist wise in a 3. stupid bitch... anyways... mikes called again. he got me a parrot from maine. no not a real one a stuffed one lol awesome! and its bright colors and all, as he described it.

samantha and tim went to new york to go to a white castle today. lol. shes bringing me back a burger, so its all good. i hope they can stop by, i hate being home. specially with a pmsing sister. warped tours gonna be awesome. tims driving us its gonna be me, sam, mike, tim (obviously) and nadg. blahdey blahdey blah im bored as fuck.

to the thing below, if your gonna comment anonymously put your name in the subject, if not ill get your ip adress and figure out who you are anyways. its a win win situation.

1. Am I cute?
2. Am I hot?
3. Am I sweet?
4. Am I crazy?
5. Am I lovable?
6. Am I funny?
7. Am I annoying?
8. Am I psycho?
9. Am I daring?
10. Am I a good person?

Would You...
11. Hug me?
12. Miss me if I was gone?
13. Listen to my problems?
14. Hug me if I cried?
15. Be a good friend?
16. Ever go out with me?
17. If you already have would you do it again?
18. Kiss me?
19. Marry me if you could?
20. Ever talk bad about me if we ever broke up?

How Well Do You Know Me?
21. When's my birthday?
22. How old am I?
23. What school do I go to?
24. Do I have any siblings (& their names)?
25. Who is my most current ex?
26. Who is my best friend?
27. Who am I crushing on/dating?
28. Favorite animal?
29. Favorite sport?
30. Favorite TV show?
31. Favorite song/songs?
32. Favorite music group?

Who Am I?
33. What T.V. star do I most remind you of?
34. What song would you dedicate to me?
35. What famous person do I most resemble?

If You Could...
36. Give me a new name, what would it be and why?
37. Hook me up with someone (real), who would it be and why?
38. If you could do one thing with me what would it be and why?
39. Drop me one piece of advice, what would it be?
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