Feb 08, 2006 04:29
i think i have gallstones...horrible pain in my sides...if i wait a little while i will be able to see if more symptoms occur to point me in the right direction so that i may tke appropriate action
dave is sleeping...he is such a kid :)
she hates me now tho it wasn't even me who said all that shit is was dave...im not gonna completely blame it on him tho we just wanted to get the point across that u cant go around doing stupid shit like that...and ok try it but at least know their name and get it from a reliable source...i guess i just dont understand why someone would do shit like that when someone they knew had just died from it....why does everyone think they are above addiction and smarter than others....no one is...and the people who say they are turn ot to be the biggest addicts of us all...ur so smart...ur so fucking smart but for some reason u dont see the obvious or maybe u just refuse to...and i dont understand how u can go and hurt so many people...what are u trying to prove ...what are u trying to accomplish..to use and be used by others...whatever....when something goes down when something happens u will never be able to say u didn't deserve it ... but i dont know shit so dont listen to me...i dont really think u care tho if u can lie to others so easily u can lie to me if u can hurt others without remorse than u can hurt me the same...if u can forget the friendship we had as easily as the feelings u've had for others in the past then i think in no time u will move on and forget my name...im just one more person u've left in the dust behind u...boyfriend to boyfriend bee eff eff to bee eff eff... we are all the same to u
i cant wait till someone breaks your heart...i think then maybe u will understand...
u probably would have talked to me again if it weren't for this....but i wanted to give u my honest opinion....and there are 2 ways u can take it and go with it...but i already know how it'll end up...
goodbye....its been fun and i'll miss you......sorry i wasted you time