Mar 03, 2005 16:17
well, time for an update. cuz im too tired to move right now.
so on monday, i ended up going to play practice even though i didnt have to be there but lissie n kevin did and they told me i had to go cuz its we go to pick up lissie and then were backing out of her driveway...and mommas car gets stuck. so we start digging around the wheels and stuff, and it STILL wont go. so after like 15 minutes, we finally get in front of the car, and momma starts trying to back out and we were like PUSH and then it moved, so we pushed more, and then it finally came unstuck. but THEN the front wheels got stuck. so the car is like in the middle of the road, and were like pointing cars to go aorund, and then momma finally gets unstuck and we go on our way =). then we sit at play practice for a while, and at 7 she told us we could leave so we were like hmmm...lets go get something to eat! cuz we were starving. so we were originally planning to like walk to tops or wendys, but then we were like nooooo lets make kara come pick us up. so she did, and then stalker dave attached himself to us so we had to give him a ride home. then we went to tahou's and got gooooooooooooooooood food. then kara dropped us all off, and i went sleepies. well not really, i just kinda sat up all night cuz i couldnt sleep. ugh.
on n stina stayed after for stage crew, and we ended up painting some of the n sitna took the bright green one =). i ended up with green paint ALL over my feet (i had taken my shoes n socks off {omg i just typed "i had taken my feet off" but then i deleted it}) and some on my pants...but oh well it was fun ^^ then we had momma take us to wendys...and i when we got home we ate..and i was shaking my salad...and the top came off and it went ALL over. i almost cried. lol. momma n stinka laughed at me =(. then we played video games, and then took stina home, and i took a shower and such and went to bed. didnt sleep that night either.
on wednesday i came home, then got ready and went to dance...and after demonstrating i went to play practice because kevin ordered me to. and i had to give back his wristband that i had stolen. but then i forgot to anyways XÞ then i sat there and ate a few crackers and talked to lissie and kevin and then practice ended and i went back to wendys on the way since i hadnt eaten anything but the crackers since lunch and i was like dying..then had a nice fun dance class...even though i didnt feel good and i was mucho tired but then i got home and i wasnt tired anymore. i think jazz wakes me up and makes me feel better. cuz that always happens. oh well.
then today was just boring...cept for when brianna fell in gym. HA that was the BEST i almost peed. seriously. then lunch was preety good, it always is..."so then someone pantsed her...and she had A BLACK BUM!" oohhh mannnnn i <3 you guys. then bio was boring. cept i got like 2 questions right. yay! and kevin was molesting my shoe...which was interesting. lol. then art n math were boring...then stayed after for dance team...were doing a fund raiser...anyone wanna buy some coffee? 10$ for a 1 lb bag...please?!?
then tonight i gotta go to hiphop, which wont be too bad, then its home to shower, do hw, and hopefully sleep.
<3 leave some.