Oct 18, 2003 15:03
I've been in the library since 10 am, written 4 pages of this essay, need 2 more at least, just having some trouble working the mandatory articles into it.
Last night was great, I'm loving the Ottawa kids for sure. I seriously fucked up my knee and I've been walking around with a serious gimp all day. I'm hoping for the strike on monday, so I won't have to walk up to 12th Dunton.....well that and NO PSCI 1002 MIDTERM!
I've been listening to the Pixies all morning and just about every song reminds me of some girl, haha, bad news considering how many pixies songs there are ;)
Alright the library is officially boring. I'm going grocery shopping then I guess I'll come back tonight and finish this. I know, I'm such a party-animal.