Sep 23, 2003 00:36
Yeah. So what's new. I have a broken toe. Stumbled into my chair in the dark, its not a big room, what can I say.
I've been doing an insane amount of walking/stair climbing lately. Fuck the gym, the real world is where it's at.
I worked the Madball/Hatebreed show as a loader and stage security dude. That was interesting. Metal kids + hardcore kids = a big picnic full of love..... or brooding violent tension.... I always get those two confused.
My roomates all went away for the weekend, and Army Joe came down Friday night and stayed over. That was awesome, it was so much like old times, defintely put me back in a good mood.
Saw Cursed/American Nightmare on Sunday with Travis. Met some "crucial dudes" to use the London slang. Cursed, so good. American Nightmare, so shitty. That's right, I don't care if you only have one hand, you suck, rockstar assholes!
Also did Food Not Bombs on sunday, not much turnout this week, just me and some old french people, but it was cool. I like it because I get to eat a lot of potatoes..mmmm substantial. The caf wasnt that bad last week, tofu twice, and veggie dogs, of which I ate too many. I am like a bear when the caf has edible food, just cram it in and slowly digest over the week.
Saw Dmi and Zaslow and Jojo, which was fun. More walking, visited the U of O student ghettos, terrifying. It was less an apartment than many houseboats stacked on top of each other.
Kristin was questioning my seemingly desparate need for a girlfriend today, but frankly, I live in a closet off of what could easily pass for a janitors closet, I've eaten the same stir-fry for lunch and dinner for about 3 weeks now, and all of my classes are about which group of people has been horribly exploiting/murdering another group of people lately, I clearly need a girlfriend just to give me something else to fucking do.
Tonight we passed the time pushing Dan around the tunnels under campus on his rollerblades, chasing unsuspecting people. See! I told you I need a girlfriend.
So yeah...anyways. I find out about Foot Patrol on wednesday, they actually said "we'll post a sheet outside the office with everyone who made the cut on it". It's like the grade 7 play. If I don't make the cut for a volunteer position that only requires me to look big and scary enough to make it really not worth raping whoever I'm walking, my self-worth will be in some serious trouble.
Tommorow morning I have to write a "letter to the editor", because I am in university and not grade 10, I swear. I know I've been bad for staying in touch lately, so heres my promise. Send me an e-mail ( a decent e-mail, come on, my time is valuable) to and I'll reply the shit out of it!
Do it, you know you want to.