I Like to Combine Fandom with Real Life

Oct 11, 2007 20:07

You'd think that by doing routine leg-lifts almost daily, my thighs would have the decency not to jiggle.


Obviously, Mr High-And-Mighty-I-Have-A-Mind-Of-My-Own Thighs are waaaayyy above listening to me.

So there I was walking along, minding my own business when I happened to glance over at the glass planes of the train station, AND THERE THEY WERE! Happily jiggling away without a care in the world! They practically waved their tiny little hands at me and said, 'IN YOUR FACE, WOMEN'. DDD= There're better ways to get my attention, guys.

Sooo, in an admirable bid to get rid of the persistent cellulite, I have been doing regular leg lifts that involve me lying on my back and lifting my legs straight up in the air for about 30-50 seconds at a time. I learnt this useful technique in physical ed last time in school.

When I saw Kame and Ueda doing those nifty little leg lift motions in Cartoon KAT-TUN a while back, I thought it'd be fanstastic to bring some variation to my routine

This actually makes my stomach muscles pretty sore. 20 of those up-and-down motions and my legs start trembling. Kame and Ueda did them as if they were ridiculously easy. I'm obviously very lacking. T__T Then again, it might have been because of those puny chicken legs that obviously have no weight at all, unlike mine.

When Yoga sensei came along, I was delighted. More muscle toning techniques to add to my routine! When I first tried this, I stayed in this position for 20 seconds. Initially, I was like 'Hay, this is a peace of cake. Why couldn't Yanagihara do it!'. Then I repeated the motions, 20 seconds per leg at a time. 1 minute into the routine, my joints were aching and my pose was comparable to Yanagihara's.

I wanted to try this even though I can't do sit-ups or the like to save my life. But because Jin did it I was determined. Plus, my brother jeered at Jin's "ouch" here and said that it's easy. And that Jin is a wimp. NO ONE CALLS MY MAN A WIMP.

I think I think I tore something important.

Of course, a Jin snuggling into the sheets makes the pain worth it. Who needs waist muscles anyway.

More of Yoga sensei this week. HOW DOES SHE DO THAT SO EASILY. IT HURTS. Plus, I think I actually strained more neck muscles trying to keep my head up than stomach muscles.

It doesn't hurt any less with the knees bent. Incidently, what is the point of the fluttering hand motions? All it did for me was make me feel stupid.

Yoga sensei has these gorgeous cellulite-less thighs. WHY CAN'T MY THIGHS BE MORE LIKE HERS! Maybe if I stick to the routine...

I guess in the meantime, I have to avoid looking at the lower portion of glass panels. Or mirrors.

On a totally random note; is it just me or does Jin's bruise seem to be fading? It's been more than a year.

i hate my thighs, pretty much pointless spam, ctkt caps, fandom coincides with real life, ilu jin, exercising

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