
Oct 31, 2008 17:53


It's been ages since I last posted. I'm not very good at this 'blogging' thing it seems. I always say I'm 'busy', but I'm sure there're busier people who can still find time to post. Of course, I also really hate html, so that makes it even harder to get off my big fat butt to make a post. Big fat butt with a scratch, to be precise.

So the scratch came about when I bent down, in the most ungainly fashion, to try on a pair of heels. Apparently I have a really fat ass because it caught on the corner of the display stand behind me. It was a very sharp corner. It really, really hurt even through two layers of cloth (my dress and my undies). But I figured since there were two layers covering the precious twin globes, there shouldn't be any marks. Imagine my surprise when I went home and found the scratch late at night when I was idly scratching my butt (because who wouldn't subconciously scratch their butts when they're at home, feeling bored).

This entry is going nowhere and all over the place.

But! I can be excused because I'm currently in the school library waiting for a late night meeting to start DDD: I'm very weary and there's a crick in my neck from sitting all cramped up in front of my laptop for three hours straight. I have tons of school work to do and deadlines to meet, so of course I opt for posting an update.

Have I mentioned that there's no real point to this entry? I'm sorry :\

Oh, I've just gone through the whole of B'z The Best "ULTRA Treasure" album. It's fantastic. Usually I stick to my JE playlist and treasures like this rot in my ipod (because I download them and then ignore them in favour of LOVEJUICE loops D:). I should vary my listening music more often if it leads to goodstuff! like this. Oh, does anyone know if B'z speaks English? Because there were a couple of tracks with substantial English lyrics and the vocalist pronounced it perfectly. It's always a pleasure listening to Japanese songs with good English (she said ne-ba-ra ru-ku ba-ku anyone?).

Also! Hugs and kisses to everone on my flist just for being there. Most entries usually do brighten up my otherwise dreary days ♥

Edit: I didn't know pressing enter posts the thing. Fail. Putting under cut now.
Edit2: Also, I really fail at lj. Does anyone know how I can delete unused tags from my list? Or do I have to have a paid account?I found the manage tags page -_______-"
Edit3: I knew there was something I forgot. Happy Halloween!

argh school, album releases, in which i fail, wherein my posts become sporadic, hey look! once in a bluemoon update, rl

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