Just some stuff here and there

May 07, 2008 18:20

I came home expecting to see posts of the DUES pv. But... nothing. For the past few days, I've planted myself in front of the computer refreshing my friends page every five minutes or so. I think I'm starting to take root.

RAWR. I want to see Jin's tongue in HQ, dammit.

I have this nasty feeling they might only release the pv just before the latest album comes out D: Then again my intuition is about as good as a man's and knowing my luck, the pv in HQ will probably pop up right after I post this.

Well, at least exams are over, and I'm on my summer break now. I can't be more thankful for this. This semester was quite taxing for me; I think I might have overloaded myself a little, what with extra modules, Japanese classes and community activities. I'm terribly sorry for not commenting or posting much, even though I did hang around in lj for a bit. I'm not too good with time management. Better people have coped with heavier workloads. Seriously, a lot of people at uni are insane. They can handle studies, part-time jobs, extra curricular activities and still have time left for play.

I know that a couple of people on my friends list are nearing or are currently having their finals now. So I'd just like to shout out a little encouragement here:


hugs for flist, a yamapi would make things even better, a jin would make everything better, rl

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