Just a notice

Mar 02, 2008 11:30

University has been pretty draining this semester (you know it's bad when I don't surf during lessons anymore). So,I'm probably not going to be 'active' here for a while. Well, I post, like, once every leap year, so I don't think my short disappearance will make that much of an impact. I'll still be commenting though, whenever I can find time to, so it's not exactly a hiatus either (god, I hate that word so much, after...D:).

What is the point of this post then, you say? Um, I just feel really bad for not being around much, and as much as I'd like to get to know everyone better, I'm really stretched tight by my commitments. I even go to school on sundays for meetings. My term break just flew past me, I hardly had time to catch a breather. Practically every day was Group Meeting Day. I guess that means we're probably pretty inefficient.

I'll be free (and more active) after 3.5 years, I guess? Wait for me till then!

Nah, kidding. Actually, that holds more truth then not. But you know, there's always summer! 3 long months where I can recover from this thing called Uni, and make long rambly journal entries. I always have so many things to say, but can't seem to find time to type them down. So, yep, stay well, dear flist, in the meantime!

(Ima gonna disable comments because this is 'just a notice' *insert suitable emoticons*)

a yamapi would make things even better, disabled comments, a jin would make everything better, rl does suck

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