In which I finally drag my ass off the bed

Dec 21, 2007 19:38

1. My reasons for practically disappearing: a) Exams. With disastrous results. b) I went to my grandparents' place, which has no internet connection, right after the exams. c) Then I fell sick. d) Actually, this is about how I am the laziest person ever, and have been lounging about in bed, doing nothing, for the past few months. I'M TERRIBLY SORRY. But I've been reading everything. Still sorry though.

2. I watched Ikeburo West Gate Park while I was at my grandparents', stuck with no other form of entertainment whatsoever. It was better than I expected. Yamapi is this tiny little twerp with teenage angst. Most importantly, he's this tiny little twerp that I want to squeeze until he squeaks. I fell in love with Kubozuka Yosuke, and Nagase hasn't changed from then till now.

Since it was an asian produced dvd, the english subs sucked. The subs went missing at certain points in the show, so I had to switch to chinese subs and rely on my non-existent comprehension of the language. I got the gist though. Overall, it was enjoyable, the plot fun, and you get to watch wee Yamapi running around.

3. Yukan Club ends. Despite my initial reservations, it's been fun. Mostly, I'm sad because it means I get to see less of Jin.

4. But One Pound Gospel seems ready to pick up from where Yukan Culb left in the crack department. I'm definitely catching this. Kame has been irresistible lately.

5. I can't help this. Jin in fedoras. ♥___♥

6. I was looking though my picture albums and saw this. It's a cap I took when I was tagged by brandedwhite in some 'what's your desktop' meme, but completely forgot all about it. Eeps. Anyway. This is my working laptop so it's not particularly interesting. And my wallpaper has changed to Ryopi since.

7. I love Gomen ne Juliet every single time Yamapi performs it.

8. I can't stop listening to Ai nante.

9. Lips. Ahahaha. I hope the cd jacket has imprints of all their lips. Or better yet, zoomins of their actual lips.

when is it never jin, jdoramas, one pound gospel, whoa an update, yukan club, ikeburo west gate park, tagged

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