Three Episodes Later

Nov 05, 2007 18:53

It rather sucks. D=

Yoko: Probably the best actor amongst the six. Yoko carries off the superior air of Seishiro really well. He's stable, calm, cool, collected and is constantly pinching the bridge of his nose due to the childish antics of the other five. Yoko's perpetual long suffering look is probably not faked, considering the acting standards of his fellow screenmates. Yoko, I understand how you feel and offer you my sympathies. (Ps; You look hotter than Kashii Yu in that wedding gown)

Junno: Junno actually surprised me. He's acting is not the best but it's bearable. I expected him to pile on the charm too thick (as he is prone to do. Am I the only one getting sick of his 'Iriguchi Deguchi Taguchi Desu'? I mean, you'd think they'd realise that it becomes stale after the first 115 times or so) but strangely, he seems to be growing quite well into his character. I actually like his blonde hair. It makes him stand out and gives him even more of a princely air.

Suzuki Emi: I'm gonna be honest here. I dislike Suzuki Emi. I wasn't happy that she was cast for Yukan Club because everyone knows she's a slut who gyrates towards Johnny's boys like Jin to blonde moments. Having the opportunity to act with three Johnny's must make her feel like Jin in LA. Before Yukan Club, I would have grudgingly admitted that she was pretty. In the skanky way. But now, I just think she's Ugly in too much makeup. (A bit like Koda Kumi but Koda Kumi is hot and not shaped like a chopstick with boobs. Urgh.) All she does in this show is try to pout cutely, which totally fails because hello girl~ you should have noticed with the amount of time you spend in front of the mirror in Yukan Club, but you are not Morning Musume.

Kashii Yu: What is with Yukan club and casting girls I don't like. I hated Kashii Yu in Deathnote. Her personality was as flat as her hair then, and I couldn't be happier when she was killed by her boyfriend (Deathnote was a long time ago but I hope I'm not giving spoilers D=). A change in hairstyle and an overhaul in personailty later, I'm actually starting to like her. This girl has spunk and while her acting still needs improvement, she's getting there. Perhaps it's her similar look of long suffering as Yoko that warms me to her.

Minami: Minami No-First-Name is pretty and cool, but. She over-acts way too much for my liking. Oh, Minami. You should have been able to shine in your given role. Yuri is such a fun character to act. She's adorable and feisty and the girls love her. Maybe it's the director's fault. Still, it seems Minami is not yet an established actor. There's potential though, and I hope, flop as Yukan Club may seem to be, it opens doors for her.

Jin: Jin. Oh, Jin. I love you. I really, really do. And I hate to break this to you, but you're in desperate need of acting classes. You were the depending factor on whether this show will tank or not, and you failed to deliver. I feel really bad because I can see you trying. Well, it's not working. ;__; You know it's not working when ratings are averaging a, well, bottomline average, despite your sparkly eyes and cute quirk of lips and general prettiness. I'm sorry. Maybe I expected too much because it's you, Jin, and you're all hyped up by the media and everything. But. Ratings make me sad. It's a given Yukan Club cannot possibly beat Fuku-top-of-the-polls-yama's Galileo but I hoped for satisfactory results at least. I desperately wish that all these will take a turn for the better. YOU'RE TOO PRETTY NOT TO ACT. Buck up, pretty boy, because I'd love to see you stay in the acting industry for longer and develop your talents (hey, I insist that it's there, somewhere and not just limited to twisting hips).

In summary, I really hoped that Yukan Club would be much better than this, the drama being Jin's first lead and all. But though I giggle and squeal and flail alot when I watch the show, I'm still stuck with the impression that it kinda sucked. The plot is no good, and while I appreciate that it's meant to be crack, a show without depth just doesn't cut it for me. =((( The next episode does look better though, because scary houses and creepy old ladies and dolls' heads, ftw. I admit I might have set my expectations too high from the onset and this is an unfair judgement, but no one hopes more than me, that the show does see improvement over time.

Whew, that was way longer than I intended.

Seriously, if Yukan Club doesn't improve, I'll still watch it. Not for Jin (yeeaahhhh rriiiiiggghht) but because Keep the Faith is the most awesome song of KAT-TUN's to date.

what are the odds, wherein my posts become sporadic, junno, yukan club, yoko, when is it never jin, crosses fingers, hey look! once in a bluemoon update, illegal changes in narration, i really hope i'm not jinxing anything

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