(no subject)

Sep 14, 2006 17:16

so, about what i said before... i lied.
today sucked. everyone today sucked. everything today sucked. i just have that kind of attitude today. i'm ready to kick someone. i wish i was a little kid just so i could kick someone, and then get in trouble but it would be okay just because i'm a little kid. BUT NOOO, i know better. damn it.

i did get my pictures though. i thought it would be more exciting than it actually was.

10.] last time you cried: umm like maybe an hour ago, if even.
9.] last cigarette: a month. wooooo
8.] last beverage: docta peppuh
7.] last alcholic beverage: BEEEEEEEER
6.] last movie watched: i don't remember.
5.] last phone call: to the sat lady.
4.] last cd played: zero 7, i guess.
3.] last BUBBLE bath: april. when i was in florida. best bubble bath ever.
2.] last place you were: cvs.
1.] last time you fell: almost 2 weeks ago.

8 have you evers --

8.] have you ever dated someone twice: yeaa
7.] have you ever been cheated on: nope
6.] have you ever kissed someone: yup
5.] have you ever kissed someone you regret: maybe.
4.] have you ever fallen in love: i thought.
3.] have you ever lost someone: yea. yea.
2.] have you ever been depressed: once.
1.] have you ever been drunk and thrown up: yeah.

6 things you've done today

1.] woke up
2.] went to school
3.] went to cvs.
4.] made some food.
5.] laughed.
6.] cried.

5 people you can tell anything in the world to -

1.] tricia
2.] lizzie.
3.] my parents.
4.] caitlin
5.] caitykrissydani 'cause they come in a package.

4 favorite colors --

1.] white
2.] green
3.] yellow
4.] pink

3 things you want to do before you die --

1.] surf.
2.] get married & have kids.
3.] travel to portugal.

So Far in '06 I have:

[x] been to school
[x] made a new friend
[] fallen out of love
[X] done something you swore never to do
[x] lied
[x] laughed until you cried
[x] stole something
[x] went behind your parents' back
[x] cried over an ex
[x] disappointed someone close
[x] hidden a secret
[x] pretended to be happy
[ ] got arrested
[ ] kept your new years resolution
[x] forgot your new years resolution
[x] met someone who changed your life
[x] changed your outlook on life
[x] sat home all day doing nothing
[x] pretended to be sick
[x] left the state
[x] almost died
[x] lost someone
[ ] been to the hospital
[x] gotten close to someone
[x] streaked
[x] cried over someone
[x] broken up with a gf or bf
[x] given up something important to you
[x] talked on the phone all night
[x] learned something new about yourself
[x] tried something you normally wouldn't try
[x] found out who your true friends were
[x] made a total fool of yourself
[x] met great people
[x] had fun

Q 01: is there a person who is on your mind right now?
A 01: yeah there's like 7 of them. and no not because i have crushes on them, but because i'm worried and crazy.

Q 04: who do you like more, your mom or dad?
A 04: i don't believe in this question.

Q 05: do you have any siblings?
A 05: 2 sisters and 1 brotherr.

Q 06: do you smile often?
A 06: generally. today was one of the first days i didn't constantly have a smile on my face.

Q 07: do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
A 07: it's possible but i doubt it.

Q 08: do you wish on stars?
A 08: not anymore.

Q 09: do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
A 09: no way. too much effort.

Q 11: do you like your handwriting?
A 11: love it.

Q 12: are you a friendly person?
A 12: most of the time. unless you give me a weird vibe... but you really have to piss me off in order for me to be a bitch to you.

Q 13: who's bed did you sleep in last night?
A 13: minezz

Q 14: what color shirt are you wearing?
A 14: grey

Q 15: do you have any pets?
A 15: like 17 cats and 13 turtles.

Q 16: what is the color of your bedsheets?
A 16: umm, ugly.

Q 17: What were you doing at 9 last night?
A 17: sleeping. 'cause i'm an old lady.

Q 18: I can't wait until..
A 18: the weekend.

Q 19: look to your right. what's there?
A 19: a door that's supposed to lead to the outside, but we don't use it.

Q 21: ever cried yourself to sleep?
A 21: yeaaaaaa

Q 22: ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
A 22: yup.

Q 23: song that makes you cry?
A 23: i don't know.

Q 24: are you normally a happy person?
A 24: generally, yes.

Q 25: has anyone ever said 'i love you' to you?
A 25: yea

Q 26: is your self-esteem extremely low?
A 26: no.

1. Are you currently mad at someone?
yeah, alittlebit.

2. Which of your friends has the worst temper?:
it really depends. i'm gonna go with either me or caity. kristan on some days, dani on others. lizzie & i barely argue

3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone?:

4. Does your face turn red when you're angry?:
my face is red all the time.

1. Has anyone ever thrown you a suprise party?:
yeah! =]

2. Are you easily excited?:
i guess so

3. What event is coming up that your most excited about?:
zero 7.

4. Which of your friends gets you most excitable?:
i don't know. none of them.

5. If you won a million dollars what would you get?:
a home.
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