Mar 07, 2005 08:54
* You are Amazing* Thinking about you drives me crazy*
Today was the first day back in school. Went by pretty fast for a monday. Came home and I had to go to work..That went by fast too concidering the fucking stupid ass owner came in and said me and scott could leave.. I need more hours and hes saying leave. he's a douche. Now im home. just got done running a mile and doing some workouts.. I have got a lot of thinking to do with in the next couple of days. If I plan on getting what i've been wanting for a while..Time to get my move on. Everyone is telling me to get my move on, but im the shyest person you will ever meet. He is too. And he is afraid that i wont like him and his "outside Life" Which is sad because i adore that kid to death. I dont blame him, because he does things that i probably wouldnt ever do, but live and learn. so im up for the challenge. Theres nothing better then working and seeing shawn all day :-* needless to say, we should get TOGETHER soon or later.. We'll see how that one works out. Hopefully everything goes as planned..and think of something good by friday?.. Wish me a bunch of like because im a whimp. I seriously need to grow some huge balls in the next couple of days..and beleive me..They will be there. :) well Im off to bed.. Im fucking tired as hell. Night all!
-It's the little things that count
It's the time you spend
It's the things you say
It's the sweet gestures
It's the surprise phone calls just to say-
... All you need is someone to love you and nothing else matters...