Jun 26, 2007 21:07
my damn horoscopes have been so damn accurate lately and have been making me think, so im gonna take advantage of this shit since no one reads it.
"Your heart is exploding with emotions right now, and while some of it is awesome, some if it isn't. You need to make sure that you are keeping the right people informed of what's going on. "
couldnt be any closer to the truth, and since im too chicken shit to talk to the people about it, ill write it here. i still have feelings for you. i always have - as im sure you already know - and i probably always will. the only problem is, guess whos moving 15 hours away in 38 days. oh yeah me. not that it really matters because i doubt anything would have happened, becuase it probably already would have. this is where the explosion of emotions comes in. i feel like i shouldnt act on my feelings since it would make my life more difficult if something were to happen before i leave, but on the other hand i feel like i should take advantage of the fact that your here now, becuase i wont have this opportunity in 2 months. my life would probably be a lot easier if i opened up my mouth and talk to you about it, im being a baby and your never gonna know. hmmmmmfjas89fw434q2do*(7(65^&*
"Spring may have turned into summer, but you are still possessed of an overpowering spirit of renewal -- and this bodes very well for anyone from your past who's looking to come back into your life. Are you willing to give someone a fresh start? You should be prepared to at least weigh pros and cons. But you don't need to respond to an email or a voicemail unless you really want that person back in your life. Don't encourage anyone unless there's a real possibility of a reunion. "
first part - so true, ever since i had to do all this shit with summer classes in order to get what i want, i feel like ive been more mature and responsible and organized about stuff. and i feel i should give this person a fresh start juts because i know how much ive changed, i should consider the fact that they have probably changed as well. im pretty sure i want this person back in my life, we used to be really close. and there is a reunion coming up this week lol. weird.
"Make the best of a taxing situation. It can't impose on you forever. Trust the light at the end of the tunnel. There's a way out of this. "
summer classes = georgia. end of story.