Jun 27, 2005 10:13
Wow. We got 2nd in State. I was SOOO happy. okay so friday we went to auburndale.. get there and have liek 20 min to warm-up. but neways so we won our first game against i dont even remember. Then we lost to DOt Diamonds. :/ okay so we go back to the hotel and went to crackel barrel it was fun. it toook forever to get our food tho. but newys then we get back to the hotel and we start playing hide & seek through the whole hotel. It was so funny. me and lefty hid in the lobby like every time. then kept running up and donw the stairs. Then we prank call mollies boyfriend and mo boyfriend. But we have an 830 game on saturday! so we get there at 7:30(its f-ing hot) and we kill them like 13-1. Then we have a game like right after that and we kill the "stunners" 8-2. okay so after that we have a 2 hours break but we cant eat nething so we all got salad bars at sonnys. Then we played the bandits @ like 4 and win 4-1. okay then we have to play the crushers and os we really had to play our game. and we did and won like 4-2? So we went undeafted. HECK YESSS! So then we play sundya and lose our first game. ugh we shoulda won. then we won against the bandits again..so then it was the championship & everyone is exsaughsted. but w/e we lost but we didnt mind 2nd is awesome. Yea then we went to sonnys. omg this was the greatest. okay so me tracy lefty mollie christy and kara are there. so i sit by kara mollie adn tracy. omg omg so we played the salt ad sugar game and laughed our asses off. then mollie got up to show everyone my dad doing this thing on her camera and kara put b/q sauce all overher seat. and we all start laughing sooo hard. she comes back and is liek what is os funny. we cant help it everyone is staring at us cuz we are liek screaming we are laughin so hard. Mollie is stand now so david come up and asks her for sumthing and she sits right in it. omg ive never laugh so much in one weekend. it was great.<3 WOW this was a lonnnnng entry!