Jun 12, 2005 20:26
:-) juss got back from babysitting. mannnn little kids tire me out. i first had to watch a almost year old for about two 1/2 hours and she cried and screamed for the first like 40 minutes. she hass like an ear infection? okk so i had to hold her to get her to stop crying only i had to walk with her to and if i sat her down she would cry again. so i had to walk all over and hold her for like an hour and a half. and i meann it like hurtss ur side and ur wrist lmao. so yeahh she was cryin a lot then she finally settled down and we played with her toys..dangg i wishh i was a baby theyy are sooo cool lol. then her brother came home and i had to watch him for about 20 minutes and we played power rangers oooh yahh. then i had to feed katie the baby girl. lol more like put food on the spoon for her then get it flung all ovr the kitchen and have to clean it up. its all good tho. lol im dun for tonite, but its soo tiring. lol
yesterday i had to clean and then my auntie and uncle came over for a little while jus to visit. then they left and i decided to have chels over lol that was fun. hah all night michael michael michael..all i heard butt its okay chelss, i talked and talked about soemone too. wink wink. then there were all those freakin fone calls between u and him. and then me beeping in on u and him lmaooooo. then there was Camroooo lmaoo. u weree so funny to listen to. and our tiger rescue mission...nice, and those chocolates woooah. ooh yeah and who could for get about our two best friends of the night. that was fun.
then the day b4 was ummm hmm? searching for words. lets juss say it was straight until 9 then things really went downhill. but yeaah who cares im moving on and im stronger than b4 so its good right. ok so me and mel went to fountain walk and went to movies. hehe i love u so much mel. watt about all those hotties we were following. haha. gotti jr. hah. andd then of course who could even forget the creeps who watched us wen we were chillin at the fountain with rawan hannah carly brittany nicole marni julie rawans sister. and the guy who asked me if i wear thongs. and garretts cuzin who we thought was jason taylor. and anthony burlinski ooh yeahh anddd me riding a skateboard oooooh yeahh. and u too. lmaoo. and my mom HAHA, okay girls ill come pick u up and ill bring a megafone so u can hear. lmaoooo. shes so embarrassing goshh. mann mel we really gotta get back there and get all those hotties fone numbers and u kno especially the guy with the short shorts lol jk. goshhhh mell ur the funnest person. and how about how good smelling our row was at the movie theatre right. no skanks. lmao. yeahh.
alright thats boutt it for now,, call for plans this week and hurry up i gotta go to camp next week. ((320.8722))
muchh love